Monday, June 16, 2014

Sunshine Award!

Below are copied the rules for participation in the sunshine award nomination.

* Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.
* Answer the questions they asked you.
* Nominate other bloggers.
* Give them a list of questions.
* Let them know that they have been nominated.
* The Sunshine Award button must be on your blog post.

 Here are my answers to Vellvins questions.

1. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The thing I really like about blogging is that you can meet other people and get a glimpse into their lives, hopes and work. It is intriguing to read about someone very different from you...or similar.

2.What type of music do you like?
I like music with a theme or a story to tell. Meaningless noise and repetitive lyrics are not my thing at all. Movie soundtracks are my favorite type of music.

3.Best line from the Princess Bride?
"your that smart?, Let me put it this way, ever hear of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates? Yes. Morons."

4.Are you more of a reader or a watcher?
Hard question, I Really enjoy movies and books but ultimately books must win out. The effortless transportation to worlds of adventure is equalled only by the best movies. And movies just lack the cant-put-it-down quality of good books.

5.If you could meet a character from a book you read who would it be?
There are so many good options. I would say Martin the warrior mouse from the redwall series.

6.Marvelite or Ringer?
These questions are all challenging and that is good. Marvel has put out some epic stuff recently but I am definitely still a Ringer. The books and movies of the Lord of the Rings series are nearly unmatched in their respective categories.

7.How much quoting do you do every day?
Sadly, practically none. But I do make my brothers laugh with hilarious what-ifs from our favorite movies.

I will have to post my nominating post later. Got to head to the library.

1 comment:

  1. I love soundtracks, too! Especially when you are writing a story. Princess Bride is the most quotable movie ever! And I love it to bits! :) I reckon pretty much everyone who I tagged will say the same as you. As for me, I am totally more Reader than Watcher. :) I can't say that I'm a big fan of Redwall but interesting choice. Agree! Marvelite or Ringer I would absolutely go Ringer though Marvel is very good at what they do, LOTR is just cooler. :)
    We do that a bit too.
    Thanks for doing the tag, Benjamin and I hope you had fun at the library! :D
